
Chinese Class on 10/20, 2018.CSL-K

We reviewed lessons 1 to 5 and had a quiz last week class. 13 students took the quiz, there are 4 students(Perpetua,Eddie,Rachel,Queena) getting 80-90 points, 2 students(Ariel,George) getting 90-100 points, 3 students(Benson,Andrew,Eason) getting 100 points.4 students getting under 60 points. the attachment is the quiz paper.

This week's homework is read the book page 22 to page 23, five times. Here is the Quizlet link:https://quizlet.com/_5h8i53
In addition, Please drop students on time, our class begin at 9:30 AM. 

Lai laoshi
CSL-K Teacher

