Happy Monday! We were enjoying our Chinese class last Saturday and were so thankful for parents helping kids review their homework. Please let me know if you have any questions.
First, I want to remind you there is no Chinese school this coming Saturday (Sep. 1st h; Labor Day weekend).
I already handed out the worksheet to everyone, Please check their backpack. If you can't find it, the attachment is our home worksheet this week.
Please watch your kids read the fourth to eighth pages this week, at least five times. Bellow is the Quizelt link:
Reading log
Book Title: Pages: Name:
Please practice reading with your child; Kids can read with you or follow Quizlet. Please read the book at least 5 times throughout the week with you child. Return the reading log and homework on Saturday’s. Each time you read the book with your child, have them color in a star.
Comments for the teacher: